MB-Maschinen GmbH - CAM

MB dental milling machines are compatible with any commercially available CAM system.
We can offer installation and support for the following CAM systems:


worknc dental

WorkNC Dental is an Automatic, open and easy to use dental CAD/CAM software used for machining standard prosthetics and implant prosthetics in the shortest possible time.

It utilizes perfectly optimized machining sequences to apply 3 to 5-axis CNC Milling technologies.

The user-friendly graphic interface has been specially designed for dental technicians who are not experts in machining technologies. 

--> learn more


dum 3 d

The SUM3D Dental solution has been engineered to meet the needs of the operators of the sector, requiring a tool that is easy to use, flexible and offering high performance in a short time. The software can be used on any machine tool, from 3 to 5 axes, optimizing the investments already made by the customers.

The toolbar is simple and intuitive: it guides the operator in the creation of the machine tool-path, following the icons from left to right. All the operations are driven to avoid any mistake of data input or command’s order.

--> learn more:


dental softworks ds cam

DS-CAM is an open 4 & 5 simultaneous CAM system.

It is extremely easy to use with all standard features for the dental industry.

Placement data management of the file transfer until the final milling, all in one program.

--> learn more


MB machines can work with any commun CAM software in the market, but it is required to install a suitable post-processor.

Likewise, the milling strategies and tool parameters should be adapted to the machine.

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#2 system/modules/core/classes/FrontendTemplate.php(306): Contao\Search::indexPage(Array)
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