5-axis simultaneous milling machine COBRA Mill 5A1

- CoCr, NEM
- Titanium
- Glass ceramic
- Zirconia
- Composites
- Fiberglass
- Gypsum
- Wax
- Bars
- Abutments
- Models
- Crowns, bridges
- Splints
- Model casting
- Inlays, onlays, partial crown veneers
- Highest precision, practically without fine finish of the milling surfaces
- Pilot-less work by the tool changer and 2 blanks holder
- B axis with special clamp holder, quick change of work piece
- Various standard holders and several special holders are available
(e.g. mounting of abutments)
Fully closed work cell
- Exhaust device at head, optional on the workpiece holder
- Automatic tool length compensation. (Even with 5 axes simultaneously)
- Special tools for different materials, and standard tools usable
- Remote supervision via network
- The machine can be adapted to your requirements
- Optional water tank with 2 filters system
- Filter switching by the program